OuR Process


Great design is an investment and following a structured process is critical to ensuring you end up with the best outcome. We want to understand your unique needs, the potential of the site and help you to visualise your new surroundings to ensure the design we have perfected together is accurately brought to life by the builder. This process unfolds in three stages - Preliminary Design, Design Development and Detailed Documentation.


Within Design - Preliminary design - plan

Stage 1: Preliminary Design

Establishing the brief is a crucial phase of the design journey. Here we seek to understand your business and those that will inhabit the space, define the functional requirements and explore the look and feel you want to achieve. We also seek to understand the message you want your environment to convey in terms of brand and culture. Our extensive design experience across a variety of commercial sectors means we can ask the questions you might not have thought of.

In order to get the best out of your site we need to know it inside and out. The site survey involves rigorous documenting of all dimensions, levels and services as well as gaining an understanding of the best sight lines and natural lighting potential. It also looks at how the site is positioned in relation to adjacent buildings or tenancies and traffic flow of people into and around the space. By thoroughly understanding your site we ensure we utilise it effectively.

Space planning is initially driven by function to ensure all the fundamentals of the brief have been met, and the best use of site conditions have been fully taken advantage of. We use our design expertise to create points of interest and architectural tension that further enhance the space, which is often a missed opportunity during this stage. Importantly, as a registered building practitioner, we keep the Building Code of Australia and appropriate Australian Standards in mind to ensure that the proposed design complies with relevant regulations.

Stage 2: Design Development

Once the layout is finalised and approved we move on to establishing the look and feel you want to achieve. Initially through sketches, reference images and samples we will start to build a picture of your new space. One that meets your aesthetic aims in terms of brand and culture while also taking into consideration budget and build-ability. 

With a solid design direction established we then progress to realistic 3D renderings that effectively show you how the space will look before it is built. This approach means you do not need to be an expert in reading 2D drawings and deciphering plans in order to understand and collaborate on the design. Enabling you to ensure the proposed design meets your needs while leaving little room for surprises with the end result.

Within Design - Design development - 3D model

Within Design - Detailed documentation

Stage 3: Detailed Documentation

Now we have the design in place, it is important that it is built correctly so that all our hard work is realised. The documentation stage is where we put together a detailed set of drawings that define the scope of works from demolition and partition set-out through to FF&E specification and fixture detailing. Whether you require 32amp power for the coffee machine, device charging points for patrons or compressed air for equipment, we ensure it’s all accounted for in the drawings. With a thorough set of documentation you can obtain accurate quotes from builders and shopfitters and receive ‘apples for apples’ pricing. Detailed documentation also ensures your builder knows exactly what he is building facilitating a smooth construction phase.